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Watch Live on Facebook Sunday at 9:30 AM



​Church should be a fun, real, and inspirational place where we can all pause to experience God, enjoy each other and celebrate life!

We understand that it can be intimidating to walk into a big building that you’ve never been to before.  However, we guarantee that the first face you’ll see will have a smile on it.  People love to come to ALCC.  Whether you are looking for childcare or a latte, you’ll find a greeter nearby to help you get to where you need to go.

​What is the service like?

At ALCC you’ll enjoy dynamic worship, prayer and practical, down-to-earth messages that will impact your life.  Where we can not only learn about God – but experience Him in a real and individual way.

What about my children?

If you have infants or older children, you need a safe place for them to learn about God’s love as well.  Our children’s classrooms are safe and fun places for them to learn.  Our children’s ministry is committed to providing a safe and fun place for your kids.  You can find out more about this by clicking on Student Ministries.

What should I wear?

Some people come dressed in jeans while others come dressed business casual.  If you prefer to wear a tie or a dress, that’s fine too.  We want you to feel comfortable while we experience worship together.


Latest News


Church Online,

Join us on Facebook Live each Sunday or here

on our Website (click here)



Sundays 8:45 AM 


Easter Service

April 20, 9:30 AM​


Child Check-in

In an effort to better serve our children and families we are establishing a Child Check In.  On Sunday’s before the service parents and guardians can “check in” their child which will help teachers know who is in their classroom that day. We will ask for basic information like age, grade, allergies and emergency contact in case a parent needs to be contacted during the service. Stop by the new “Child Check In” station for information!


Children's Ministry

Nursery - Ages 0-3
Kinder Church Ages 4-6

Kid's Church - Ages 7-10


They will be dismissed after worship. Listen for the cue!
We love to share the good news of Christ with our children
and hope you'll get your children involved.

We invite to join our mailing list and receive prayer requests and special messages.


Copyright 2024, Abundant Life Community Church Camden


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 86 Mexico St, Camden, NY 13316

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